Exotica-Cool Strange Unusual Music Group

Exotica-Cool Strange Unusual Music Group
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Friday, February 3, 2017

Yé! Yé! Music: When France Went POP!

Our Exoticamusic contributor Georgina Ragazza posted essential reading on her Lorihajitura blog:
Yé! Yé! Music: When France Went POP!

GG's sentiments mirror my own. My first exposure 60's French was at the first incarnation of Luxuriamusic. Hearing France Gall's "Laisse Tomber Les Filles" and Serge Gainsbourg tunes was a revelation. And finding out that Serge Gainsbourg is sort of a fallen French Frank Sinatra perv? The country went in deep mourning for a few days in 1991 when he suddenly died of alcoholism? Not a peep here in the States!

As GG mentions on her blog When April March's cover of France Gall’s Laisse Tomber Les Filles was featured in commercials for Quentin Tarantino’s Death Proof I was like YA! The American Philistines are finally going to discover French pop! Ya! Never happened, like going to the metric system.....

So this music will always here for somebody to "discover". It is the joy of discovery that drives folks who gravitate towards the Exotica music social media groups and listen to the wonderful DJ's who are stimulating our senses.

So another plug to our Georgina. Catch up on her  Lorihajitura podcasts on Mixcloud . All you have to do is supply the tea and biscuits. GG handles the rest.

This retreaded comp is an introduction picked up by someone in the know:

Eileen - Cettes Bottes Sont Fait Pour Marcher is "These Boot Are Made for Walking" sung in French. Jacquelin Taib - 7 Heures du matin suddently sings "Talkin' bout my generation" in few times in English. A real kick. The guitar/beetnick riifs by Marisa on "Christine".  Nino Ferrer's Kung-Fu fighting  "Mao et Moa".Petula Clark singing Downtown in French....Stella singing the BLUES in FRENCH!!!

There is TONS of this awesomeness out there.

Another resource is Mordi's  Blowupdoll blog. Where he is still active and exposing us to music since 2004.

Alice Dona - C'est pas prudent
Andrea Parisy - Laisse tomber les tabous
Brigitte Bardot - Ne me laisse pas l aimer
Charlotte Leslie - Les filles c'est fait ...
christine pilzer - Champs Elysées
Dani - fille a la moto
Eileen - Cettes Bottes Sont Fait Pour Marcher
Elsa - Ecoutez
france gall - Le Coeur Qui Jazze
gillian hills - ne t'en fais p
Jacquelin Taib - 7 Heures du matin
Jacqueline Taieb - Bienvenue au pays
Les fleurs de Pavot - A degager
Marcel Zinini - Tu veux, tu veux pas
Marcia Cinta - Allez, tapez dans las mains
Marisa - Christine
Monique Thubert - Avec les oreilles
nino ferrer - mao et moa
Petula Clark - Dans Le Temps
Serge Gainsbourg & Anna Karina - Rien Rien J'Disais Ca Comme
serge gainsbourg & Anna Karina - Roller Girl
Serge Gainsbourg - Docteur Jekyll Et Mr Hyde
Serge Gainsbourg - Pauvre Lola
Stella - beatnicks d'occaison
Stella - Nouvelle vague blues

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