Exotica-Cool Strange Unusual Music Group

Exotica-Cool Strange Unusual Music Group
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Thursday, January 19, 2017

How To Buy Meat

One enjoyable blog from almost 10 years ago was  MR. J. EVIL SCIENTIST'S DUNGEON OF ODD RECORDS AUDIO TORTURES FOR YOUR LISTENING DISPLEASURE. Posted this amazing record, maybe taken from a radio station. As a former DJ know all about PSA's, having had to do about three an hour on college radio. We also had a whole binder of written PSA's to read. Always enjoined reading the "adopt a ferret" PSA with Mancini's "Baby Elephant Walk" playing in the background..... so When I saw this LP on his blog just had to have it.

Here's what Ben T had to say about this.

For all you Vegans out there who are curious as to how we carnivores do it.
This record has sentimental value to me. This was the one that got me into oddball records. When I found this one several years ago in the thrift shop, I had to go out and locate a turntable, just so I could listen to it. I'd been really delinquent during the Compact Disc era, and had let my last turntable breakdown and go unrepaired. Now I have four turntables. It won't happen again. If it does, stick a fork in me. I'm done.


  1. Ever since I heard this tune, years ago, I've wondered who wrote the music. Does anyone know?

  2. New Link for Richard. https://mega.nz/file/8ABUkBBL#WVnD4rtvuSZpnZoTFkHw6sfLDlp-f7logJP_D9aM0So
