Unless of course you don't want to hear me rattling along in Dutch, in which case you'll have to download the senza parole mix attached underneath here.
01 Winifred Atwell - 12th Street Rag 1961
02 The Fouryo's - Waarom loop je mij op straat voorbij (Yearning) 1961
03 Alvino Rey and the King Sisters- 12th Street Rag 1954
04 Drs P - P.C. Hooftstraat Blues 1974
05 Louis Armstrong - 12th Street Rag 11-5-1927
06 BBC Radiophonic Workshop -La Grande Pièce de la Foire de la Rue Delaware
07 Les Paul guitar solo - 12th Street Rag 1955
08 Amanda Strydom - Straatbank, Esplanade [Briewe uit die suidie, 2007]
09 Tutti Trombones - 12th Street Rag, 1971
10 ELO - Manhattan rumble (49th street massacre) 1971
11 Chet Atkins - 12th Street Rag 1953
12 Duo Hofmann - Als moeder gaat vrijen moet Jantje op straat 1930
13 Eddie Peabody - 12th Street Rag (banjo solo) 1959
14 Moondog - Avenue of the americas (51st street), 1953
15 Harry Roy - 12th Street Rag (piano duet - Ivor Moreton & Dave Kaye) 26-6-1933
16 Gonnie Baars - Rue de l'amour, 1979
17 Richard M Jones - 12th Street Rag 1-6-1923
18 Moondog lullaby (2 west 46th street) 1953
19 SpongeBob Music - 12th Street Rag 1999
20 Roland Kirk & Tete Montoliu - On The Corner Of King And Scott Streets 1967
21 The Hot Seven [Baker Kenny] - 12th Street Rag
22 Rudi Carrell - Samen een straatje om 1976

artwork: Ton de Ruijter
Jan T.
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