If I had a brain - one that fully functions - I'd probably be of considerable value to the Exotica/Tiki Culture. I've been listening to the music from a childhood in the fifties to early sixties. I am, or was, a career musician. I've been a very extensive listener and researcher, who - had things gone very differently - would have completed a degree in ethnomusicology, in tandem with musical performance. But, there's this issue that I live with.
So, I'm here like many of you. At the same time, I wonder how in the world I can actually contribute without offering little more than a simpleton's view of Exotica, as well as not blogging for ages. I guess we'll have to find out. Otherwise, I'll simply go my merry way ...

Shane "elshano" McElroy
Hi! You indicated a desire to participate. You have enthusiasm and value. And your a good writer.
ReplyDeleteWe talked about building up the "links" page? The mailing list page was last updated in 1999. (See http://www.studio-nibble.com/lists/exotica.html)
If you look at that site. there is also an interesting FAQ (http://www.studio-nibble.com/lists/exofaq32.html)
Do whatever you like, but may I suggest creating a "page" in WordPress, just like you created a post. Or start off with a post. and just add and edit, edit edit. The whole thing can be moved to a more permanent web page. You can add art.
Can you help recruit bloggers and contributors? i have not been very inspirational. and looking for a figurehead to spearhead this exoticaring of bloggers we folks within the extotica group..
My writing skills are questionable, given the "neurological condition" mentioned above, however, I appreciate the response. I will try - which is to say that as I find the time and energy, "inspiration" and cohesion of thought - to contribute any way I can, probably in a modest, or simplistic manner. I suppose the greatest concern is offering what we already have so much of in the Exotica/Tiki Culture revival - regurgitated information and media. I'd like to avoid that, but am not promising to do so. You seem to appreciate that the heading was more rhetorical, than literal. Knowing why I'm here, but wondering what I have to offer that is unique, is more to the point.
ReplyDeleteMight I make one suggestion, and I admit that I may have overlooked it several times? Could we have an easy to locate sign-in feature for the site? I'll look some more, as I'm almost as good at missing what's in front of my face and so forth, as I am at forgetting anything under the sun. i'll look into those suggestions now.
Thanks again!
(Listening to "Rains in the Tropics", at present ...)
Please direct me to, or give a link, etc. that will best convey what you feel to be an adequate invite (recruitment of bloggers and contributors), and I'll post it on Exotica Classics. You may have noticed the group has grown considerably, although I'm looking for serious interest, over numbers.
If anyone is interested in joining this blog they can email me at exoticaringadm@att.net. And tell me about yourself. Or just post here.
ReplyDeleteWere looking for enthusiastic people too! People who are in the ring are mostly former DJ's, musicians, who still want an outlet by occasionally creating a compilation or post a old radio program.
Folks can got to Google Blogger and create there own blog. And if your a lone wolf type go ahead. But here, you will have "strength in numbers", more activity and lining up the posts to our primary facebook and related pages. means we will massive hits. We have had over 1000 downloads on some compilations.
Ring members love diversity, We love classic exotica but we like almost everything and are looking for that new fix.
For instance a late Ring member Citizen Fafka https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizen_Kafka Put together a compilation of merry go round music. I don't now. this stuff was old maybe 78's. Listening to this it just blew my mind that someone went to the loving effort to collect and digitize these.
Eventually I hope we can post that here. But first we need some of that new blood with the time and energy to get the blog rolling. and we have 100's of homemade compilations to roll out. The idea of this came out during the end of Basic Hip's 365-500. What he started can be done here with many hands.
People interested in joining the ring will be sent a questionnaire and as to eventually pledge $10 to keep the web hosting going. A little bit of coin goes a long way, we can host our own zip files without using those annoying free sites.