Exotica-Cool Strange Unusual Music Group

Exotica-Cool Strange Unusual Music Group
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Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Now Sound

In this post I need your feedback

What do you think about this kind of music?

1) It is the worst attempt ever to do pop music

2) Is the last chance in history of making pop with an orchestra

3) It was born old fashioned already

4) Did the Beatles has something to do with its failure?

Please, just let me know what you think.

Get inspired listening this playlist and share your thoughts.


Have fun!


  1. I actually find these "Now Sound" arrangements to be fun. Sure, it was rock n roll for mom n dad, but some of it is quite good. I believe the Beatles brought it on rather than causing its demise. It also emphasized the melodic aspect of rock n roll at the time. C'mon--let's boogaloo!

  2. I have always enjoyed the Brass Ring recordings. Phil Bodner is a longtime favorite artist for me, and I grew up with this style music at our house growing up. I agree that the Beatles were a positive influence. There are tons of Beatles covers out there that are sensational. Boogaloo and watusi time!!!

  3. My whole collection is based around light orchestral instrumental pop. It is all the things you say, and more. If I play it in the comfort of my own home, with headphones, I am harming no-one. My fetish is of no concern to anyone. Keep up the good work.

  4. Are you kidding? This is great musicianship - it's not supposed to be rock and roll. It's fun and it reminds me of being a kid. Excellent! Thanks!
