This one was ripped by “The Macs”. From a clean LP found and sent to him YEARS ago...
Check the bio about Mike Simpson at The Space Age Pop page. What's not mentioned is his LP "Jungle Odyssey". A LP Jack Diamond used to promote on his site as a fantastic Exotica LP. Its OK, just music with animal calls, there's some undefined reason I'm not impressed. Jack just hyped it so people would buy his gold CDR of it... Picture below.
Björn Werkmann at Ambient Exotica has a long review of Jungle Odyssey. Fantastic review.
Back to Discussion in Percussion.. It really is just a bunch of musicians interacting with percussion...
01. Mike Simpson - Say Si Si Si
02. Mike Simpson - Too Marvelous For Words
03. Mike Simpson - Takes Two To Tango
04. Mike Simpson - Its A Pity To Say Goodbye
05. Mike Simpson - Three Little Words
06. Mike Simpson - Cant We Talk It Over
07. Mike Simpson - Listen To The Mocking Bird
08. Mike Simpson - She Didnt Say Yes
09. Mike Simpson - Open Discussion
10. Mike Simpson - After I Say Im Sorry
11. Mike Simpson - What Is There To Say
12. Mike Simpson - Hawaiian War Chant

Thanks for sharing. This album is a delight. Perhaps my favorite PPS record.