A co-op blog of DJ's and music enthusiasts you can post here! Share you music legacy with others. Create a biography page. (just ask for access) Established in 1994 as "The Exotica Mailing List" we were the FIRST internet forum created by people who cobbled a genre out of just listening to old records.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
The Further Adventures of The Mexicali Singers
On this one Anita does something very interesting on "All My Loving". Nice to hear she cover the Beatles. The track is almost RESONENT.
This rip from the inactive Zip Your Rip blog. By LoungeTracks.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Mexicali Singers - Ride Again
The back of the LP is a goofy quiz! "How did you score? Remember if you answered correctly you are entitled to tear off the back of this cover and send it in. Be sure to enclose a stamped, self addressed envelope if you want it returned. "
You can still do this. There are a couple of unsealed LP's for sale on the internet.
LP Discography has a page of this LP.
This rip is from the blogger who modified his artwork with the word "Loving Stereo". Remember him? Hope he's around to hear my thank you.

Sunday, January 29, 2017
The clear stars of the night (Nattens Klara Stjärnor)
Magnum Sandberg's original liner notes:
(The clear stars of the night)
A couple of the listees may be interested in my next upload, a sunkadelic compilation, only 45s, odd Swedish 45s. Anna-Lisa Ingemansson doing "Summertime", and Vem kan segla förutan vind (Who can sail without a wind), the track that ends the Lee Hazlewood Nina Lizell LP - Cowboy in Sweden. And a rare Swedish version of the Senator
Everett McKinley version of Wild Thing (which can be found on one of the Wawy Grawy compilations), nature lyrical pieces, odd swe accodion folk and much more
Sunkadelic = Swedish Incredibly strange "real people" doing music in a way that resembles psychedelic music. Term coined by the excellent Club Sunkit of Stockholm. www.sunkit.com
Schlager = Popular music dealing with love, music often Country or Samba/Bossa influenced
I remember a Monday in 1996, my friend Peter's girlfriend talked about a new club that was to open called SUNKIT, a club for Incredibly strange music, Peter and I were happy to find the waterhole we needed, cause most of our interest were once again in music, after several years mainly discovering Psychotronic films. We were the first guests at SUNKIT, and we loved SUNKIT immediately, cause back then we shared our love with just a handful fanatics, making talking and commenting the music we all heard easy. Each new Monday we visited "our" club, always sitting at the same spot in the bar, next to the DJs Magnus and Burt, so we could watch the cover art of the record that was playing, and crack jokes about it. The music we liked the most were the rarities, strange demos found in record-label trash cans, and the odd music that really made it to vinyl. My compilation contains some of my own finds, that can compare to SUNKITS high standards, enjoy!
(1) Fritjof i Arkadien Anna-Lisa Ingemansson
(2) Visa i Midsommartid Anna-Lisa Ingemansson
(3) Invid Barkens stränder Monica Svensson
(4) Liten Eldorados
(5) Härliga sommar Stig Östergren
(6) Min egen lilla Pappa Muttrarna
(7) Min Dalahäst Stig Östergren
(8) Chrisina Magnus Kvintett
(9) Önskan Blues Ingegerd Sudden Ericsson
(10) Lilla Mamma Muttrarna
(11) Det börja' så bra Soundstars med Jörgen
(12) Tjejer, tjejer Soundstars med Jörgen
(13) Vem kan segla förutan vind? Anna-Lisa Ingemansson
(14) Sommartid Anna-Lisa Ingemansson
(15) Det gåtfulla folket Anna-Lisa Ingemansson
(16) Min lilla spargris Mait Johansson
(17) Ring små silverklockor Mait Johansson
(18) Wild Thing Clark Gårdestig
(19) Professorn i Snarkning Cello
(20) All pooped out Yogi Yorgessen
(21) The Birds and the Bees Yogi Yorgessen
(22) Härlig är Jorden Anna-Lisa Ingemansson
(23) Där björkarna susa Anna-Lisa Ingemansson
(24) Nattens Klara Stjärnor Harry Schollin (this is from his own
released LP "ILLUSSION", soon to be featured on my LP sharity)
update: Yorgi wasn't actually a Swede but he played one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Stewart
The Claudia Affair
Music looks like more of a slick British/library/production/chill set. "Les Amants"..."the Lovers" wooh.
We got another Ring blogger coming on to post. Have fun all.
01 - sofisticada - luíz bonfá
02 - sloopy - james clarke
03 - weazle - pierre arvay
04 - sunny rio - pierre devevey & thierry veneux
05 - beat documentary #9 - william loose
06 - poppy girl - roger webb
07 - date palm - keith papworth
08 - always on the move - jim lawless
09 - go-girls - roger webb
10 - tijuana wins the cup - t harrison
11 - friendly faces - james clarke
12 - helicopter 274 - luíz bonfá
13 - day off - london studio group
14 - breakout for brass - john cacavas
15 - barefoot in the park - keith mansfield
16 - early owl - barry forgie
17 - time to fly - steve gray
18 - the light fantastic - james clarke
19 - latin nights - sam spence
20 - window girl - luíz bonfá
21 - the sun-seekers - james clarke
22 - tell me baby - robert hall productions
23 - sunday's child - the flying dutchmen
24 - coast run - keith papworth
25 - where the girls are - david doerscruck
26 - when love comes back - paul piot
27 - double or quits - p milray
28 - tomboy - steve gray
29 - a tender touch - steve gray
30 - neutral strings #8 - neil amsterdam
31 - pink sauce - london studio group
32 - low tide - pierre daubresse
Download both sets for the whole thing. For some reason on this blog can't seem to upload more than 128MB...
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Pimpin' with Mancini
Years ago in a trade with "J.R" picked up a mix tape called "Pimpin' with Mancini". I'm almost certain this is his mix. The link is actually a download on something called "MP3TLA".
These cuts are from the some of the later LP's, with a few retreaded TV and movie themes. LPs like "Mancini's Angels", "TV Themes" and late great "Symphonic Soul".
Anybody good with photoshop? This compilation SCREAMS for artwork. H.M photoshopped as a pimp.
01.- Theme From Shaft
02.- Theme From Fantasy Island
03.- NBC Nightly News Theme
04.- Theme From Charlie's Angels
05.- The Ironside Theme
06.- Car Wash
07.- Butterfly
08.- Medley-Love's Theme T.S.O.P.
09.- Slow Hot Wind (Lujon)
10.- Pick Up The Pieces
11.- Satin Soul
12.- Sun Goddess
13.- Soul Saga
14.- African Symphony
15.- Memphis Underground
16.- Killer Joe
17.- The Swingin Shepherd Blues
18.- Charade
19.- A Bluish Bag
20.- Peter Gunn (new version)
21.- Theme From Star Trek

Thursday, January 26, 2017
Durium 2, The Self Changing Record
Jan T.
Again Hans Koert writing:
In Jan. 1998 Peter Tanner, record collector, ordered my "Durium (GB) Discography". For the first time all European Durium records were listed. I read your book on Saturday morning and again that night, he told me later. Then I found the address of the Durium factory in Slough, and because I had nothing to do I took my car and because there is not much traffic on Sunday I drove to Slough and found the street and the number. And there it was. The roof was new, but the walls were still there. Unfortunally it was dark inside and there was nobody who could show me the building.

April 1932 the production of large amounts of card board records started in Slough, a suburb or London. Like its American parent company they started a weekly series with popular dance music. The American firm broke up in the summer of 1932, but the card board record survived in Europe.

FOX TROT - Recorded London, Apr. 1932 (durium GE-10)
The introduction of the record was well prepared. Not only in England, also on the continent. This Dutch "gratis proefplaat" (= free sample) was made by an English orchestra with an announcement in Dutch, spoken by an Englishman (some sources say it was Lew Stone himself) with an accent, that makes us smile nowadays. Unfortunately no Dutch records were made, only a series of language courses for the Dutch with the NOROPA label.

VALS DAN FOLKE MART FRYBERG - Recorded in London, summer 1933. (SUPER durium SC-133)
The English factory in Slough made records for Italy, France, Germany and Scandinavia. This is a Swedish one, released as a SUPER durium in a weekly magazine-like cover (Veckans Skiva)
SCOTTO-CHARLYS: Recorded in Paris, c 1934 - 1935 (SEFONO 6051)
In France they didn't want foreign labels, so Durium (and Hit of the week) were issued by the Société D'Editions Phonographiques as SEFONO. When the English firm stopped in 1934, SEFONO's continued in France the local market, like this musette.

(BORELLA MASCHERONI) CANZONE ONE STEP ED. CARISCH - Recorded in London, summer 1933. (SUPER durium T-114)
A special find was made some years ago. A series of early unknown Mantovani recordings were discovered. No violins yet, but straight dance tunes being popular in those days.
The factory in Slough stopped producing music records around 1934 but in Milan and Copenhagen small factories survived for the local market. Card board durium records were made up to the late 1930s, although a mysterious post war card board durium record has been found, so new investigation have to be made !!
In Slough they made advertisement records up to 1936, a subject I'll love to tell you more about later.

Durium 1, Hit of the week
We'll start with the submissions of the late Hans Koert, a Dutch jazz specialist who, among many other things investigated the history of Durium Records thoroughly.
Jan T.
(to hear hit of the week is to buy hit of the week)

1. Don Voorhees Orchestra- Tip toe through the tulips with me
Fox-Trot Dubin Burke (recorded New York City December 1929) (HIT OF THE WEEK 1019) with Fred "Fuzzy" Farrar tp, (Red Nichols tp), Bill Trone tb-mell, Charlie Butterfield tb, Joe Tarto tu, unknown male vo
During the late 1920s a few advertisement boys in New York City launch a new idea. An idea that still looks modern in 2004. Every week, on Tuesday, a new Hit of the week was sold in the newspaper stands of the city. For US $ 0.15, twenty percent of the price of an ordinary shellac record, you got a light flexible card board record, playable on one side, but thanks to the so-called "micro-grooves", with twice the playing time of an ordinary record. About 350,000 records a week were produced; a number, that would put every artist's nose out of joint; even nowadays. About 130 so-called Hit of the week records were sold in the US. In Holland they had to wait for some months, before these records were sold for one guilder.

2. Freddie's radio orchestra - It's the girl
{Ella es} Fox Trot Oppenheim Baer
(Recorded New York City Aug. 1931) (HIT OF THE WEEK K1) with ? Tommy Gott tp, Bunny Berigan tp, Tommy Dorsey tb, Charlie Butterfield tb, Elmer Feldkamp cl as vo, ? Tony Parenti cl as, Cornell Smelser acc, Joe Venuti v, ? Walter Gross p or Freddie Rich p, Eddie Lang g, Joe Tarto or Hank Stern tu.
The bands, that made the recordings, were studio bands, full of musicians that were in for ready money. Many now wellknown musicians were glad to make some money - no rehearsals, just playing the notes one time and record it. Just one-and-a-half hour work and ready money. Stock arrangements were used as published, mostly with a length of an ordinary record, a three minutes playing time. What to do with a five minutes record? The solution was very simple; just play the song two times (one time with a vocal and one time in an instrumental version) or give a little extra tune, free of copyrights, like "Good Night Ladies" in the next sample.

3. Nick Lucas and his troubadours - All of me
4. Nick Lucas and his troubadours - Goodnight Ladies
(Recorded New York City, januari 1932) (HIT OF THE WEEK A4B1) met o.a. Eddie Lang g, Nick Lucas ? g vo.
The publisher of the cardboard Durium record was an advertisement agency, so they used this unbreakable record for advertisement purposes too. This part of the story will follow later. In its second year the sales figures lowered and other record companies made cheap records too. To raise the sales figures Durium started to print publicity pictures on the back side of the record and they gave little records, Durium Juniors, for free. Even two complete tunes (later in Europe they called this "The self-changing record") were not enough to save the firm.

5.Bolero-Son (Grupo Canario) - ANGEL DE MI QUERER
Ungrateful Manuel Gimenez(Recorded New York City, c Aug-Oct 1932) (DURIUM DISCO 5011)
Durium started to make records for export and series for the Latin-American market, hoping to prevent the ship from sinking. In the summer of 1932 the firm failed and the large stocks were sold and shipped to Europe. In England an advertisement agency founded the Durium Products (GB) Ltd. with a factory in Slough, in Greater London. Like its US precursor they published a weekly Durium card board record. About the conquest of Europe I'll tell you another time.
Hans Koert
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

No offence intended. Meant for your listening pleasure and amusement only:
01 Metropole Orchestra - Powerhouse (Raymond Scott, 1938) 1999
02 Nina Hagen - My way 1980
03 Frederick Wheeler - All hail the power 1908
04 Jethro Tull - Skating away 1974
05 Keith Mansfield - Balance of power 1973
06 The Music Tapes - A warning! 1999
07 Sid Bass - Powerhouse (Raymond Scott, 1938) 1957
08 Beaver Kraus - Fountains of the dept of water and power 1969
09 Frank Zappa - Bow tie daddy 1968
10 Ray Noble - It's Within Your Power (vocal - Al Bowlly) 3-5-1933
11 Metropole Orchestra - Mexican jumping bean 1999
12 Anne Clark - The power game 1982
13 The Blues Dimension - Supernational powers 1969
14 Frank zappa - The chrome plated megaphone of destiny 1968
15 Jethro Tull - Cheap Day Return 1971
16 Frank zappa - Let's make the water turn black 1968
17 The Gemtones - Man with the golden arm 60s
18 Spike Jones - Powerhouse (Raymond Scott, 1938) 60s
19 Jacques Dutronc - Il mondo va cosi 1966
20 Splogman - Not the walrus 2012
21 Otis Fodder, Mark Vidler & The Evolution Control Commitee - Powerhouse (R. Scott, 1938) 2012
22 Leonard Cohen - You want it darker 2016
Jan T.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Mexicali Singers
Before we ended up driving outside the listening area got a chance to hear an Anita Kerr track. My dear wife tolerates my tastes on occasion. And when it comes to the Anita Kerr singers she is extremely long suffering. To paraphrase a favorite blogger of mine... "Do I like the Anita Kerr Singers a little more because she likes them a little less?" A harmless marital riff?
A favorite Joe has played over the years is The Anita Kerr Singers doing Ray Charles HARD TIMES (NO ONE KNOWS BETTER THAN I). These Southern white ladies know all about hard times...
Stan Cornyn--"King of Liner Notes" wrote for the Mexicali Singers. And there is also a nice write-up at the Space Age Pop page.
It's all completely fabricated baloney. As the Anita Kerr Singers ARE the Mexicali Singers.
Lying is not new.....
This is my own rip from 1999.
Joe never played the Mexicali Singers. Or tracks like "Tijuana Taxi" or "Yakety Sax". But got me started to find this...
Line Renaud au Casino de Paris dans Plasirs
Trying to remember some LP rips from the wonderful "Schadenfreudian Therapy" blog active in the previous decade. "Sexe" a track featured on the Ultra-Lounge Vol. 4 Bachelor Pad Royale came to mind.
Line Renaud The name for us American Philistines means nothing, Thought it might be an arranger. BUT Line Renauld is a popular French singer, actress who is still very much with us!
When I joined the Exotica Mailing List after finding the Ultra Lounge series they were a good starting point to "finding the rest of the music", maybe even on LP. And maybe it would be possible to find some Billy May or Yma Sumac? In the US Line Renaud would be practicality impossible to find. Renaud did Vegas back in the 60's. So there may some LP's like this out there. . So very happy BAIKINANGE posted it.
The French that appeals to me most? Joining the Exotica List and finding about Serge Gainsborough and all that French Ye-Ye like France Gall, Françoise Hardy, Jacqueline Taïeb. A wonderful style of music completely unknown in the US.

Saturday, January 21, 2017
Boogacool - Xtabay Compilation
"OK lets forget world disasters and upcoming elections here's something that's a lot of fun. It's a comp I've made that features fun tracks full of great percussion and that indefinable something that sets them apart."
Vindaloo Boogaloo
01. Four Piece Suit - Vindaloo
02. Cal Tjader - Borneo
03. Diplomats - Chinese Connection
04. Tipsy - Papaya Freeway
05. Pink Martini - Andalucia
06. Majestic Kelp - Sergio Leone
07. 3 Balls Of Fire - Return To The Oort Cloud
08. Brian Bennett - Madrid
09. Alan Tew - Roadrunner
10. Syd Dale - Boogaloo Blues
11. Les Baxter - Rush Hour Romance
12. Mongo Santamaria - La Bamba
13. Candido - Serenade To A Savage
14. The Moon-rays - Beat Girl
15. Lalo Schifrin - Ice Pick Mike (record Version)
16. Art Heatlie And The Electric Saxophone - Peter Gunn
17. Don Sebesky - Dance The Night Away
18. Quincy Jones & His Orchestra - Bird Brain
19. Aqua Velvets, The - Dance Of The Sun Children
20. Alan Hawkshaw - Hawkwind And Fire
Friday, January 20, 2017
The Joys of Modern Living
Found another homemade mix from the "Squeegi Sound" person. Once again if he or she is around. Hope its OK to retread these. And if you created a mixtape your passionate about. ANY SUBJECT or GENRE consider passing it on for inclusion.
I'm old enough to have heard this stuff in the 70's. and HATED IT. Of course not going to listen to this stuff for hours. But now it has a certain appeal.
Can I rant? A washing machine from that era would maybe last 20 years. In the 60's we had a refrigerator that just would not die. Try finding one today that can last. Go to Best Buy and all the sales people are so jaded about the quality of the products....
01 Ib Glindemann - In Fashion
02 Don Kirsten - Resort Life
03 Henrik Nielsen - Sunshine Patrol
04 John Scott - Smile For Me
05 Harold Smart - Bright Spark
06 Don Kirsten - Happy Holiday
07 William Loose - Bargain Sale
08 Bluestone & Cadkin - Housewives Choice
09 Ib Glindemann - Curtain Time
10 George Chase - Jolly Times
11 Raymond Beaver - Satin Slipper
12 Walter Stott - The Quiz Show
13 Heinz Kiessling - A La Bonheur
14 Ib Glindemann - Western Living
15 Sam Fonteyn - Spring In New York
16 K Papworth - White Coated Worker
17 Henrik Nielsen - Merger Age
18 Harry Rabinowitz - Silver Sparkle
19 Heinz Kiessling - Good Choice
20 Len Stevens - Night Club Hostess
21 Allan Gray - Perfect Hostess
22 Henrik Nielsen - Homeward Ho
23 Frank Sterling - Cinnamon Stick
24 Heinz Kiessling - Tandem Holiday
25 Kenneth Morrison - Showbiz Commentary
26 Bluestone & Cadkin - Country Air
27 Redvers Kyle - Busy Bachelor

Thursday, January 19, 2017
Command Stereo Check Out
You guys have to form a committee and start having fun building your site:
enochlight.exoticamusic.net We created it for you.
The original is here: https://web.archive.org/web/20050519085051/http://www.enochlight.com/ something to build on.
Just go to the Join Us page and fill out the forms. And start doing a brain dump.
- How about a complete catalog list?
- Update biographies that can complement the Space Age Pop page.
- Work together and create a definitive digital collection for yourselves?
How To Buy Meat
Here's what Ben T had to say about this.
For all you Vegans out there who are curious as to how we carnivores do it.
This record has sentimental value to me. This was the one that got me into oddball records. When I found this one several years ago in the thrift shop, I had to go out and locate a turntable, just so I could listen to it. I'd been really delinquent during the Compact Disc era, and had let my last turntable breakdown and go unrepaired. Now I have four turntables. It won't happen again. If it does, stick a fork in me. I'm done.
The Tabitha Affair
Always dug the Easy Listening Compilations. Checkout this ForumMusic link "The 90s Easy Listening Revival: Introduction Easy Listening Compilations". Picked up most of them at the time.
Nice thing about these homemade comps, somebody had to go through all these rarities and collect a sample. All we have to do is play it in the background. Once again Squeegi, thanks for putting this together with the mod artwork.
01. Werner Drexler - You Know The Way
02. Friedel Berlipp - Bossa For Sandy
03. Neil Richardson - Brass Buy Lightly
04. The Don Carlos Band - Past Four
05. Ernst Brandner - Transatlantic
06. The Delle Haensch Band - Sunny Beach
07. Roger Webb - The Sweet Life
08. Dusko Goikovich & His Music - Summer Song
09. Mark Duval And His Music - Happy Weekend
10. Jan Olek - Mexican Sky
11. Joerg Bergenson - Lucky Pops
12. Keith Mansfield - Pretty Colours
13. Frank Pleyer - Lady Like
14. Roger Webb - Buttoned-Up
15. Werner Drexler - As You Like It
16. Paul Dupont - Avocado
17. The Delle Haensch Band - Girl's Shop
18. Dave Rosenholz - Listen Please
19. Friedel Berlipp - Skyscraper
20. Lee Mason - Skydiver
21. Werner Drexler - Velvet Piano
22. Fred Forster - Bella Rosella
23. Hartmut Kiesewetter - Fly With Me
24. Werner Drexler's Go-Go Sound - California Sunshine
25. Ernst Brandner - Big Ocean
26. Paul Dupont And His Orchestra - For Deborah
27. Chris Baden - Champion's Party
28. Keith Mansfield - Mondays Child
29. Hartmut Kiessewetter - That's My Music
30. Nando De Luca & His Chorus - La Bikina
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
USA, acetate/test presses 1950s and 60s
Hey! Let's get back into the swing of things!
This week I recieved from Doctor Fish 16 acetate recordings, all made in USA in the 1950s & 1960s (golden age), I made my choices and came up with an LP worth of tracks in my fave breezy bossa & jazzy exotica vein... If you are into exotica... DO NOT miss LAND OF ODEN (track 6)! AWESOME
I encoded all tracks at best possible options, if you unlike me is allergic to background noise, feel free to experiment and recieve a cleaner sound.
The "cover art" was created to "hug" the tracks. If you download and make a CD, please let me know
side 1
Coffee (1)
Learning how to fly (1)
Coffee (2)
Coffee (3)
Learning how to fly (2)
Land of Oden
side 2
Near You
Guitar solo (Jim Helms)
A boy like me
Take a chance
Bird in the air
Again, if anybody has any other compilation by Bellybongo, please contact us!
Jan T.
Japanese Cha Cha Rumba Mambo Conga
Comment from the original post. "A few years back I came across some of these vintage 1950-60s Asian (mostly Japanese) pop songs, and managed to lose them despite my best efforts. So I was thrilled when they recently reappeared in my life—with many more new songs I’d never heard. Some highlights: Michiko Hamamura’s cover of the Lord Melody song “Mama Look a Boo Boo”; “Unfinished Rockambo” by the Black Cats; Izumi Yukimura’s “Mambo Italiano”; and “Tokyo Conga” by Toshiko Yamaguchi. Hope you dig ‘em as much as I do. "
Black Cats - Mikansei Rockambo
Chiyoko Kobayashi - La Cucaracha
Harold Sasahara & Club Nisei Orchestra - Japanese Rumba
Izumi Yukimura - Ain't Cha-cha Coming Out Tonight
Izumi Yukimura - Mambo Bacan
Izumi Yukimura - Mambo Italiano
Izumi Yukimura - Milagros Del Chachacha
Izumi Yukimura - Sweet And Gentle
Keiko Ikuta - Baiyon Odori 1
Keiko Ikuta - Baiyon Odori 2
Keiko Ikuta - Chakkiri Mambo
Keiko Ikuta - Odore Baiyon
Keiko Ikuta - Tokyo Cucaracha
Keiko Ikuta - Tokyo Titina
Keiko Ikuta - Tokyo Yagibushi Mambo
Keiko Ikuta - Yohki Na Baiyon Musume
Kon Ohmura, Gannosuke Ashiya & Kogan Ashiya - Decchi Mambo Nr Kakkun
Mari Watanabe - Tokyo Boy Hunt
Michiko Hamamura - Banana Boat (Day O)
Michiko Hamamura - Mama Look A Boo Boo
Tadao Takeshima & Konjiki Kamen - Papa Loves Mambo
Tadao Takeshima - Pa-paya Mama
Tek Kamen & Ozeki Roy Jazz Band - El Manicero
Tomoko Takara - Japanese Calypso
Toshiko Yamaguchi - Tokyo Conga
Yoko Chikuchi - Cerezzo Rosa
Yuri Akemi - Rumba Tokio
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
12th street rag rondo II
The seperate songs are available at the bottom of this post
01 Abe Lyman - 12th Street Rag 9-9-1926
02 Louis Armstrong - Perdido Street Blues (+ Sidney Bechet) 27-5-1940
03 Fletcher Henderson - 12th Street Rag -10-1931
04 Jack Dieval - Minuit rue Jacob 1970
05 Fats Waller - 12th Street Rag 24-6-1935
06 Lucienne Delyle - La Strada (Le Grand Chemin) 1956
07 Hotcha Trio - 12th Street Rag 28-8-1952
08 Ahora Mazda - Oranje Vrijstraat 1970
09 Bennie Moten - 12th Street Rag 11-6-1927
10 Dorus - Straatmus 1958
11 Willie 'the Lion' Smith - 12th Street Rag 1-12-1949
12 Jules de Corte - Het oude orgel in de straat 1957
13 Milo Rega's Dance Orchestra - 12th Street Rag (+ Rudy Wiedoeft) -8-1920
14 Bobbejaan Schoepen - Straatdeuntje 1957
15 Firehouse Five Plus Two - 12th Street Rag 7-10-1950
16 Armand - Rue de la paix 1972
17 Raymond Scott - A Street Corner In Paris, 1957
18 Sidney Bechet - 12th Street Rag 24-10-1941
19 Asylum Street Spankers - The Minor Waltz 2002
20 Dorus - Ik zou wel op straat willen zingen 1971
artwork: Ton de Ruijter [in memory of Willeke Turkenburg (1963-2016)]
Jan T.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Let's Jet Again!
1. 01 - Mucho Mexio Seven 0 - John Shakespaere Orchestra - [2:38]
2. 02 - Lena Sequence - Roberto Prgadio - [1:05]
3. 03 - Disc a Go Go - Syd Dale - [2:36]
4. 04 - Mr. Rose - Roy Budd - [2:28]
5. 05 - Love Today, Cry Tomorrow - Cyril Stapleton - [2:54]
6. 06 - Up to Date - Simon Park Orchestra - [1:48]
7. 07 - Tipsy - The Cordara Ocrhestra - [2:44]
8. 08 - So Nice - Roy Budd - [3:05]
9. 09 - Pancho - Dee Dee & Her Panchos - [2:14]
10. 10 - The Free Life - James Clarke - [3:02]
11. 11 - In My Hole - Boy Budd - [2:37]
12. 12 - Tiffany Sequence - Riz Otolani - [2:50]
13. 13 - The Clown - The Johnny Keating Orchestra - [2:22]
14. 14 - That's Nice - Alan Moorhouse - [2:15]
15. 15 - Title Theme One - Gert Wilden & His Orchestra - [2:36]
16. 16 - Misly - Ochestra McKarl - [3:22]
17. 17 - West End - The Laurie Johnson Orchestra - [2:36]
18. 18 - Thunder 11 - Mirageman - [2:43]
19. 19 - International Flight - David Snell - [1:57]
20. 20 - Mr. Dante Fontana - Piero Piccioni - [3:42]
21. 21 - Dirty Dancing - Gert Wilden & His Orchestra - [3:08]
22. 22 - Plaything - Roy Budd - [2:36]
23. 23 - Marsellaise Generalque - Francis Lai - [2:11]
24. 24 - Lo Scatenato - Luis Enriquez - [2:22]
25. 25 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Bruno Nicolai - [2:32]
26. 26 - Sporting Highlights - Keith Mansfield - [1:49]
27. 27 - Trafic Boom - Piero Piccioni - [3:16]
28. 28 -I Want It All - Bruno Nicolai - [3:04]
29. 29 - Love Story - Astrud Gilberto - [3:30]
Let's Jet Set!
Delightful homemades....Wonder who made them. Who was Squeegi?
1. 01 - Running Fast - Stefano Torossi - [4:24]
2. 02 - Nova Bossa - Laurie Holloway - [3:18]
3. 03 - Hi-Fi Trumpet - Stereo Action Unlimited - [3:41]
4. 04 - Decisione - Armondo Trvajoli - [2:41]
5. 05 - North Pole Penguin - Piero Piccioni - [1:48]
6. 06 - Fugue in D Minor - The Swingle Singers - [1:18]
7. 07 - Rio After Dark - Lalo Schifrin - [2:33]
8. 08 - Blue Media - Lee Selmoco Orchestra - [2:33]
9. 09 - Marquis de Sade - Lalo Schifrin - [3:31]
10. 10 - South American Getaway - Burt Bacharach - [5:16]
11. 11 - Airport Rock - Giancarlo Barligozi - [2:54]
12. 12 - Sessomato - Armondo Trvajoli - [3:23]
13. 13 - Sera el Amor- Augusto Alguero - [3:02]
14. 14 - Abigaille - Piero Piccioni - [2:03]
15. 15 - Spy Chase - Bruno Nicolai - [2:28]
16. 16 - Le Ragazze Dell' Arcipelago - Piero Umiliani - [3:06]
17. 17 - Diamond Bossa Nova - Francesco de Masi - [1:32]
18. 18 - Mah Na Mah Na - Piero Umiliani - [2:10]
19. 19 - Seperation - Phillippe Nicaud - [2:20]
20. 20 - Don't Worry 'bout a Thing - Hugo Montenegro - [3:53]
21. 21 - The Swingle Singers - Concerto For 2 Violins - [3:19]
22. 22 - Casa di Moda - Guido and Maurizio De Angelis - [4:26]
23. 23 - Topless Party - Piero Umiliani - [3:05]
24. 24 - Reza - Percy Faith & His Orchestra - [3:18]
25. 25 - Bruno Nicolai - Autostrada Per Los Angeles - [2:59]
26. 26 - Honey Rythm and Butter - The Green Future - [2:08]
27. 27 - Mission Danger Patrol Pursuit - Bruno Nicolai - [1:32]
Quiet Village Vol.2 - Xtabay Compilation
02. Al Bollington - Quiet Village
03. Astronauts - Quiet Village
04. Bill Justis - Quiet Village
05. Danny Gatton - Quiet Village
06. Earl Grant - Quiet Village
07. Ensemble Of Seven - Quiet Village
08. Ferrante & Teicher - Quiet Village
09. Hawaiian Brass - Quiet Village
10. Johnny Gibbs & Orchestra - Quiet Village
11. Jonathan Knight - Quiet Village
12. Leo Addeo - Quiet Village
13. My Skinny Wonderland - Quiet Village
14. Pomona Beech - Quiet Village
15. Ray Lindsay - Quiet Village
16. The Alis - Quiet Village
17. Vinnie Bell - Quiet Village
18. Whitey Theador - Quiet Village
19. HB Barnum - Quiet Village Cha Cha
20. Boyd Rice - Quiet Village Idiot
21. The Ventures - Quiet Village
Quiet Village Vol.1 - Xtabay Compilation
02. Clebanoff Strings - Quiet Village
03. Don Tiare - Quiet Village
04. Eddie Baxter - Quiet Village
05. El Coco - Quiet Village
06. Frankie Carle - Quiet Village
07. Henry Mancini - Quiet Village
08. John Evans - Quiet Village
09. Lalo Schifrin - Quiet Village
10. Les Baxter - Quiet Village duophonic
11. Les Baxter - Quiet Village (mono)
12. Martin Denny - Quiet Village Bossa Nova
13. Martin Denny - Quiet Village mono
14. Martin Denny - Quiet Village moog
15. Martin Denny - Quiet Village
16. Pete Rugolo - Quiet Village cha cha cha
17. The Royal Tees - Quiet Village
18. The Surfmen - Quiet Village
19. Ted Auletta - Quiet Village
20. Tommy Garrett - Quiet Village
21. Webley Edwards - Quiet Village
Xotic - Xtabay Compilation
01.Martini Kings - Nylon Jungle
02.Los Kahunas - Costa de la muerte
03.Tikiyaki Orchestra - Exotique
04.Waitiki - Primativa
05.Tipsy - Mr. Excitement
06.Tiki Tones - Blood & Sand
07.Tikiyaki Orchestra - Crossing Kilauea
08.Martini Kings - Las Nuedas
09.Four Piece Suit - Shooting The Breeze
10.Oranj Symphonette - Experiment In Terror
11.Tiki Tones - Lava Flow
12.Waitiki - Voodoo Love
13.Sad Salamanders - The Exotic Sandy Warner
14.The Blue Hawaiians - Trouble Bay
15.Tipsy - Eclipse of the Sun Virgin
16.Oranj Symphonette - The Magnificent Seven
17.Blue Hawaiians - Martini Five-O
18.Tiki Tones - Night Of The Tikis
19.Los Kahunas - Surfers paradise
20.Tipsy - Xxxmas
Our Man Hugo - Xtabay Compilation
01. Hugo Montenegro - Mancini Medley
02. Hugo Montenegro - Superstition
03. Hugo Montenegro - Our Man Flint
04. Hugo Montenegro - A Martini Built For Two
05. Hugo Montenegro - For a Few Dollars More
06. Hugo Montenegro - I'm a Believer
07. Hugo Montenegro - Secret Agent Man
08. Hugo Montenegro - Caravan
09. Hugo Montenegro - Hazy Shade of Winter
10. Hugo Montenegro - Lost Horizon
11. Hugo Montenegro - Noah's Arp
12. Hugo Montenegro - Malaguena
13. Hugo Montenegro - Good Bad and Ugly
14. Hugo Montenegro - Moog Power
15. Hugo Montenegro - Jungle Beat
16. Hugo Montenegro - Viva Max March
17. Hugo Montenegro - Slaughter On Tenth Avenue
18. Hugo Montenegro - Hang Em High
19. Hugo Montenegro - Classical Gas
20. Hugo Montenegro - Lady in Cement
21. Hugo Montenegro - The James Bond Theme
22. Hugo Montenegro - Rocket Man
23. Hugo Montenegro - Norwegian Wood
24. Hugo Montenegro - Good Vibrations
Jack Costanzo - Xtabay Compilation
01. Three Steps To Heaven
02. Dickey Dickey Dickey Dockey
03. Theme From Route 66
04. African Waltz
05. Naked City Theme
06. Theme From A Summer Place
07. Theme From Carnival
08. Theme From The Untouchables
09. Green Onions
10. Mambo Jack
11. Mantequilla
12. Don't Squeeze The Peaches
13. Jive Samba
14. Mira Como Los Pollos
15. Quiere
16. Adjaye Adjaye
17. Southern Suite Pt 1
18. Baccanale
19. Semliki Torrent
20. Afro-Cuban Concord21. Southern Suite Pt 2
22. Peanut Vendor
23. Bajo Numero Uno
24. Taboo
25. Malaguena
26. Latin Fever
27. Hornacopia
28. La Paloma
29. Oye Negra
30. Drum-A-Mania
31. Viva Tirado
32. Chopsticks Mambo
33. Cu Cu Ru Curu
34. Pata Pata
35. Just One Of Those Things
36. La Bamba (Vocal- Gerrie Woo)
37. Caravan
38. Chicken And Rice
39. Guantanamera (Vocal- Gerrie Woo & Jack Costanzo)
Exotica Favourites - Xtabay Compilation
Please visit Alex's 2 blogs. The Sleepy Lagoon and Musik-Kurier for more downloads and mixtapes. Seems collectively he had over 30 of them streaming.
Exotica Favourites
01. Martin Denny - Quiet Village
02. Arthur Lyman - Yellow Bird
03. Augie Colón - Jungle Drums
04. Don Tiki - Exotica '97
05. Frank Hunter - White Goddess
06. Les Baxter - Voodoo Dreams
07. Martini Kings - Las Nuedas
08. Robert Drasnin - Chant Of The Moon
09. Sad Salamanders - The Exotic Sandy Warner
10. Stolen Idols - Black Orchid
11. The Surfmen - Fire Goddess
12. Waitiki - Voodoo Love
13. Warren Barker - Moonflowers
14. Ted Auletta - The Sound Of Exotica
15. John Evans - Temptation
16. Axel Stordahl - The Moon Of Manakoora
17. Marty Wilson - Jungle Fantasy
18. Gene Rains - Lotus Land
19. Tak Shindo - Mganga
20. Richard Hayman - Voodoo
21. Don Tiare - Girl Behind The Bamboo Curtain
22. Nino Nardini & Roger Roger - Jungle Obsession
23. Michael Magna - Bahia
24. Henry Mancini - The Sounds Of Hatari
Cal Tjader Xtra Homemade Xtabey Comp
Vibest Cal Tjader was just too amazing for words. If this is new for you I envy your discovery. Took me a while to discover his music.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Flat, Black And Circular
Say thanks to our good Exotica loving crate-diggin friend Bill for this next compilation.
Digitized tracks from records bought at a shop in East Lansing on one especially productive visit. Flat Black & Circular is located at 541 E Grand River Ave #204, East Lansing, MI 48823 and they have a Facebook page and website (flatblackandcircular.com)
After unzipping the file look for a folder with cover scans of the LP's collected and digitized for this collection.
My favorite is Mongo Santamaria's "Mr. Watermelon Man/La Bamba" a fascinating cover that reminds me technology has improved so much that panty lines are a thing of the past. The music will last forever.
Have a similar comp? Pass it on and we will share it with your peeps!
Flat Black & Circular
01. Arthur Lyman - E Lei Ka Lei Lei
02. Arthur Lyman - I'll Remember You
03. Arthur Lyman - Marobi
04. Marin Denny - Hypnotique
05. Martin Denny - Incense And Peppermints
06. Franck Pourcel - Aquarius
07. Franck Pourcel - Hey Jude
08. Richard Marino & His Orchestra - Out Of This World
09. Richard Marino & His Orchestra - Stairway To The Stars
10. David Carroll - Bacchanale
11. David Carroll - Caravan
12. The Jazz All-Stars - Majorca Express
13. The Jazz All-Stars - From Russia With Love
14. Mongo Santamaria - La Bamba
15. Mongo Santamaria - Manha De Carnaval
16. Ace Cannon - In The Midnight Hour
17. Ace Cannon - Wooly Bully
18. The Arbors - Love Is A Groovy Game
19. The Arbors - Endless Summer
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
12th street rag rondo (1)
Unless of course you don't want to hear me rattling along in Dutch, in which case you'll have to download the senza parole mix attached underneath here.
01 Winifred Atwell - 12th Street Rag 1961
02 The Fouryo's - Waarom loop je mij op straat voorbij (Yearning) 1961
03 Alvino Rey and the King Sisters- 12th Street Rag 1954
04 Drs P - P.C. Hooftstraat Blues 1974
05 Louis Armstrong - 12th Street Rag 11-5-1927
06 BBC Radiophonic Workshop -La Grande Pièce de la Foire de la Rue Delaware
07 Les Paul guitar solo - 12th Street Rag 1955
08 Amanda Strydom - Straatbank, Esplanade [Briewe uit die suidie, 2007]
09 Tutti Trombones - 12th Street Rag, 1971
10 ELO - Manhattan rumble (49th street massacre) 1971
11 Chet Atkins - 12th Street Rag 1953
12 Duo Hofmann - Als moeder gaat vrijen moet Jantje op straat 1930
13 Eddie Peabody - 12th Street Rag (banjo solo) 1959
14 Moondog - Avenue of the americas (51st street), 1953
15 Harry Roy - 12th Street Rag (piano duet - Ivor Moreton & Dave Kaye) 26-6-1933
16 Gonnie Baars - Rue de l'amour, 1979
17 Richard M Jones - 12th Street Rag 1-6-1923
18 Moondog lullaby (2 west 46th street) 1953
19 SpongeBob Music - 12th Street Rag 1999
20 Roland Kirk & Tete Montoliu - On The Corner Of King And Scott Streets 1967
21 The Hot Seven [Baker Kenny] - 12th Street Rag
22 Rudi Carrell - Samen een straatje om 1976

artwork: Ton de Ruijter
Jan T.